A Close Look: Traditional braces vs Invisalign aligners

Mint Dental Care offers a wide variety of treatment options for patients who would like to straighten their teeth. In this blog, we will take a close look and compare traditional braces vs. Invisalign aligners.

While both treatment methods have been proven to be effective in straightening crooked teeth, there are differences with the two treatments that patients can compare and consider before deciding which orthodontic treatment to go for.

Duration On average, wearing traditional braces usually takes up to two years and are worn permanently. Since metal braces are attached to your teeth, they help adjust and correct teeth misalignment. Meanwhile, Invisalign braces are only worn for an average period of 9 to 15 months, depending on your dental misalignment. They can be removed when needed and are not as evident as the traditional braces. Mint Dental Care provides a 3D Scan and tailored-fit Invisalign treatment plan which allows you to see the results and know the possible duration of your treatment ahead of your Invisalign journey.


Both traditional braces and Invisalign are proven to be efficient solving dental issues. Traditional braces are a great option for fixing overcrowding or crooked teeth considering that they are attached and are worn permanently

On the other hand, Invisalign provides a less complex option for straightening your teeth. It is usually recommended for patients who have gaps between their teeth or issue of misalignment.

Several Mint Dental Care patients who have chosen Invisalign treatment have shared their feedback on how the advanced orthodontic process has helped them gain more confidence, seeing improvement and proper teeth correction with Invisalign

Look and Comfort

Styling your metallic braces are made easy, thanks to quality engineered brackets that come in different shapes and colorful elastics. While they may appear bulky, but there are some individuals who opt for metal braces as it is a tangible way to change your look. Popular among teenagers, metal braces are characterized as ‘cool’ and trendy.

Invisalign aligners, on the other hand, are clear and are almost virtually invisible. They are easily removable and discreet which is preferable by many. They are perfect for professionals, artists or individuals who prefer to subtly correct teeth misalignment without other people noticing. Several Hollywood stars have undergone Invisalign treatment.


When choosing between Invisalign and metal braces, you can take your lifestyle into consideration. If you are the type who can follow a routine and disciplined enough to keep wearing your Invisalign aligners, then you should go for the clear braces.

But if you fear that you won’t be disciplined enough to keep your aligners on, then you can opt for metal braces as having them on your mouth permanently will help you think less of whether your treatment works or not.

If you love to eat, wearing traditional braces might be a challenge, especially in terms of cleaning the wires. This factor makes it easy for many to choose Invisalign clear aligners as they are removable and don’t have any strict food restrictions.

Considering the comparisons mentioned above, you can now choose which among the two treatments – readily available at Mint Dental Care – best suits you. Regardless of the method, both are effective way of helping you straighten your teeth and embrace your smile.

Consult with Mint Dental Care today and learn which of the two options is recommendable based on your teeth misalignment and lifestyle.

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