10 reasons why you should choose Invisalign Treatment

If you are looking to correct dental issues such as crooked teeth, gaps, underbites, or overbites, Invisalign treatment is the perfect solution for you.

Invisalign aligners are designed with patient’s comfort, and lifestyle, in mind. With Invisalign, patients no longer need to wear wire braces to achieve straighter teeth. Aligner trays can correct these problems to produce a better-looking smile.

By using state of the art 3D scanning & modeling, customized aligner trays are created to move the patient’s teeth slowly into place. Is it an easy and quick way to straighten teeth without the hassle of traditional braces.

To help you learn more, Mint Dental Care gives you 10 reasons why you should choose Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth.

1. Virtually Invisible

Invisalign treatment uses clear aligner trays which allows you to transform your smile discreetly and comfortably with virtually invisible, removable braces. With Invisalign aligners you can confidently straighten your teeth without covering up your smile with traditional braces and mental wires – people will hardly even notice that you have them.

2. No Discoloration

Unlike braces or metal wires, Invisalign clear aligners aren’t mounted to your teeth. Because of this, you won’t have to worry about embarrassing stains or discoloration of your teeth.

3. Comfortable Fit

Invisalign aligners are custom fit to your smile and made from a durable, flexible, and comfortable material. Many patients also report that the aligners are more comfortable than metal braces.

4. Removable for special occasions

Another advantage of choosing Invisalign treatment in straightening crooked teeth is its simplicity. It gives you the freedom to decide when you would like to remove the aligners which are convenient during special occasions or events.

5. No Food Restrictions

There are no food restrictions with Invisalign treatment. While it is a must to remove your aligner trays before eating or drinking for hygienic purposes, it is an advantage not worrying about getting food stuck in your brackets and wires.

There are, of course, certain food items that we should avoid in general for us to maintain optimal dental health. But overall, Invisalign allows you to enjoy food without the interruption of your aligners.

6. Easy to Clean

It is a common challenge with traditional braces removing all the food that gets trapped in the metal wires. But with Invisalign, you can remove the aligners so it’s easy to continue brushing and flossing. They are also easy to maintain.

Invisalign maintenance: To keep your aligners clean and in good shape, lightly brush and rinse them every night, and swap out your trays for a new set every 4-8 weeks.

7. Fewer appointments needed

Invisalign treatment takes between 10 and 24 weeks depending on your dental malocclusions. Considering on the correction required, you will only be required to visit when it is time to replace your aligners for the dental adjustments. Usually, Invisalign treatments are shorter than traditional braces.

8. Cost effective

Mint Dental Care regularly holds an Open Day where Invisalign candidates, like you, are invited and offered special packages should you/they wish to start their Invisalign journey.

Usually, patients get free cleaning and polishing and can also avail special discounts and offers. They also offer monthly instalments to make payments convenient and affordable.

9. Fewer complications

You are not likely to experience any complications or require adjustments with your treatment like you would need with metal braces. Each aligner is slightly adjusted from the one previous and you may only feel minor tightness that lasts only a day or two after you put in a new set of aligners.

10. Restored Confidence

Invisalign clear aligners can help you embrace your smile in as short as 12-18 months. With a straight, healthy, and beautiful smile, you will likely experience a boost of self-confidence. Researchs suggest confidence is important in improving overall health.

Get an improved appearance by straightening your teeth through an Invisalign treatment. Note that only approved dental professionals can fit patients for Invisalign.

Mint Dental Care is proud to be the most experienced Invisalign provider in Al Barsha TECOM, Dubai after having been recognized as a Diamond Provider.

Book your consultation with Mint Dental Care today.

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