Dental Fillings

A dental filling is normal for kids and youngsters who have at least one cavity. Fillings can occur on long-lasting teeth, just as on a baby tooth.

During the procedure, the dentist removes the decayed tooth and afterwards fills the opening with a white composite or metal material. Filling a cavity on a tooth that develops a baby tooth can save or preserve the tooth.

Saving the tooth is significant in light of the fact that losing baby teeth prematurely can cause a normal tooth to inappropriately come in. baby teeth likewise assist with your child’s chewing and talking.

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Root Canal Treatment

On the off chance that the root of the tooth is tainted or harmed, the youngster may have to have a root canal treatment. An injury, abscess, or accident are the main reasons behind this sort of treatment. A kid can have a root canal on either a baby tooth or a long lasting tooth. The baby teeth are intended to drop out.

However, the teeth need to remain long enough. In the event that the baby tooth comes out too early, the child might have talking or chewing issues. At the point when a kid has a root canal treatment, the baby tooth can be saved. This permits it to come out just when it is ready.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

The goal of a routine dental examination is to prevent problems from developing in the future. Education on appropriate oral hygiene, routine care, proactive cleanings, diagnosis, and treatment will help you keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free. Preventive dentistry is beneficial to both adults and children. Visiting the dentist on a regular basis may help you avoid having the following conditions:

Tooth decay and cavities

Gingivitis and gum diseases

Enamel loss & tooth sensitivity

Tooth decay and cavities

Our Team Members

Dr. Reji Moideen

Medical Director, Specialist Orthodontist

Dr. Shashank Trivedi

Specialist Orthodontist

Dr. Vishita Navin

Specialist Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Neha Singh

Specialist Endodontics

Dr. Ketki Rajebahadur

Specialist Implantologist

Dr. Zeeshanali Moosabhoy

General Dentist

Dr. Noha Khorshed

General Dentist

Dr Ibrahim Mirzoyev

Specialist Implantologist

Dr. Luke Kale

Specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Implantologist