General Treatment
Has your poor dental condition seized your everlasting smile from you? Worry not! Our general dentists in Mint Dentals use effective techniques.
- Routine Dental Chek Up
- Wisdom Tooth Extractions
- Normal / Surgical Extractions
- Dental Restorations / Composite Fillings
- Fixed Crowns & Brisdges
- Inlays & Onlays

Dental Implants
prosthodontist deals with replacing teeth and restoring your oral health and function throughout your entire mouth.
- Fixed Crowns & Brisdges
- Inlays & Onlays
Gum Disease Treatment
Here are a variety of treatments for gum disease depending on the stage of disease, how you may have responded to earlier treatments, and your overall health. Your dentist or periodontist is able to perform most procedures in their office.
- Gum Treatment
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth to make them lighter. It can’t make your teeth brilliant white, but it can lighten the existing colour by several shades.
- Home Kit Whitening
Orthodontic Treatments
Orthodontic treatment can help improve appearance as well as bite. It can also help if you have problems with speaking, breathing and chewing.
- Holywood Smile
- Dental Implants
- Invisalign
Root Canal Treatment
root canal treatment (endodontics) is a dental procedure used to treat infection at the centre of a tooth. Root canal treatment is not painful and can save a tooth that might otherwise have to be removed completely.
- Root Canal Treatment
Children Dentistry
- Fixed Crowns & Brisdges
Our Team Members
Dr. Reji Moideen
Medical Director, Specialist Orthodontist
Dr. Shashank Trivedi
Specialist Orthodontist
Dr. Vishita Navin
Specialist Pediatric Dentist
Dr. Neha Singh
Specialist Endodontics
Dr. Ketki Rajebahadur
Specialist Implantologist
Dr. Zeeshanali Moosabhoy
General Dentist
Dr. Noha Khorshed
General Dentist
Dr Ibrahim Mirzoyev
Specialist Implantologist
Dr. Luke Kale
Specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Implantologist